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Full Snow Moon

Full Snow Moon

By Tara Sutphen

The Full Snow Moon (Native American) at 7* Virgo will culminate February 25, 2013 12:25am PST/3:25pm EST (Farmers Almanac).

This Full Snow Moon has us looking in the mirror again and interpreting that we’re beginning to know who we are, we’re still not sure what we’re doing on earth though. If only we can stay with deep conscious thought and disregard the immature aspects of our self and others. Growing up has had some challenges. Relationships in general need to be working for you rather than against you, as you’re ready to be a good friend and family member. Healthy assertion and easy company seems to be part of the equation. You’re asking yourself pertinent “me” oriented questions. Becoming clear on your needs and wants, and there is movement again. You’re looking up, down and all around you finally. Stuck feelings are lifting as fears and habits are discarded. You’ve been waiting for perfectionism in yourself and others, but that seems to be a continual stall. Life is calling, living is waiting. And then there’s Love. Your feet are really on the ground, you now touch the things around you. You’re becoming intune again. Think of your inner resonance as a musical instrument, flow in the harmony of sound. And with that sound, allow light of the sun into your inner sanctum every day, let’s imagine you see yourself shining ever brightly in the mirror, glimmering on the outside, as your heart and organs in your body shine too. The connection of light and sound, helping you feel better and improved…

Journal Questions:

Are you a perfectionist?

  1. About yourself

  2. Or others

Write out your list of expectations:

List of Perfection

  1. House

  2. Love

  3. Family

  4. Parents

  5. Mate

  6. Children

How is your life different from your expectations?

How can you bring your life more in synch

Are you taking less than?

  1. Love

  2. Career

  3. Job

  4. Health

  5. Relationships

  6. Friendships

  7. Happiness

  8. Exercise

 What do you need to make your wishes come true

  1. Spiritually

  2. Emotionally

  3. Intellectually

  4. Materially

  5. Physically

There is perfection in imperfection. We may see things one way, but another sees their perspective. If we can come to terms with others way of seeing things sometimes, we become less difficult on ourselves and remain open to experiences.

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” ~Steve Jobs (American Entrepreneur Apple co-Founder, 1955-2011)

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you are here : >> Home >> MEDITATIONS Item : Standing Before The Moon Ritual

USD $ 10.99

Meditation By Tara Sutphen

Although you would ideally do this meditation outside beneath the full moon, you can also experience it by imagining the moon and four directions as you are surrounded with magical energy … a rainbow of light. In the Goddess’ name you open to the light. You can actually stand up and raise your palms to the sky or imagine this process of being energized and rejuvenated. Facing North you ask for solutions to your problems and experience many blessings. Facing East you seek solutions and prosperity while trusting yourself to make the right choices. Following many blessings, you turn to the South and ask for increased self-esteem and harmonious relationships with the people in your life. After the blessings, you turn to the West to face your destiny and ultimate potentials. Open your mind and release your courage. The ritual ends with the moon as your guiding light on the shadowed path. It illuminates your dreams as you walk steadfast and proceed on your earthy journey with an open heart. 30 Minutes.

TS215 — $10.99 (MP3)



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