Imbolc 2025

Happy Imbolc Blessings ~ by Tara Sutphen
Imbolc “IM-bulk” is a pagan holiday with many names. One of the Sabbats, it is an ancient festival generally celebrated on January 31, February 1, or February 2. It is also known as Candlemas, Brighid (“breed/bride”), and Oimelc (“EE-mulk”) which means ewe’s milk. It is the time of year halfway between December 21, the Winter Solstice (Yule), and March 21, the spring Equinox (Ostara). Imbolc is in the middle of winter but is the optimism of spring. The Egyptians and the Romans also celebrated this time, as it was the earth goddess giving birth to the Sun God. The time to ready seeds for the planting of food. A time of planning weddings, love, and romance. Days are getting longer and hope is renewed. The celebration is to light candles. The night of white candles turns the darkness into light.