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Full Wolf Moon

Full Wolf Moon

By Tara Sutphen

The Wolf Moon is at 29* Cancer will culminate January 19, 2011 1:22pm pst/ 4:22pm est (almanac) This is a time to be nestled in for winter, bringing our consciousness toward our loved ones, family and the home. As humans we often concentrate on being unreasonable, and we can’t seem to remove the blinders or take the time to hear others. We forget it’s a conscious choice to live a beautiful life and that it is ours by birthright.

Yourself: Our thoughts can predominate in an area of looking inward or outside ourselves. With inward thinking, either you are building a perfect human by creating love, happiness, wisdom, solutions and good judgment or you’re downgrading to being mean to yourself, spiraling toward worm status. Worm status is when you think of yourself as lowly and not deserving. You could even be berating and calling yourself or others bad names, lowering your self esteem even further. Recognize the time is now never tomorrow to build yourself. You may not be able to turn behavior, reaction or proactive overnight, but it will all be worth taking the necessary steps to try. And if you need help, there are lots of articles to read for inspiration and tips and maybe you need to start talking to a neutral therapist, a guidance counselor or wise relative. Learn to create smooth relationships and peacefulness. Your home life should be a haven. Work life is goals and competitiveness. All areas of your life should bring fulfillment.

Parents: All parents should take time to “listen” to their children at any age. If they feel you are not listening to them, they sometimes try to entertain you or act out dangerously or rudely. Gently remind them to be safe and use common sense. Know when you are giving them too much advice or being too playful. If you are an imbiber know that all drugs and alcohol do not lead to the palace of wisdom, many times you teach your kids not only to be scared of you but also to be fearful of life. We all have problems, seek solutions. Sometimes chaos has ensued and parents grapple for control, no matter the age of said child, it takes time to re-establish peace and order, persevere and it can happen. You are a parent living up to your thoughts of what parenthood should be. You will always be a parent once you are one. Welcome to real life. Remember parents never give up, they rest a little or find help but you never give up hope and the promises you envisioned when your children were born.

Children: No matter the age, children need to find wonderful possibilities in the world. Playing and bantering are expressions of the interaction they’re creating for the future. Parents, teachers, friends and foes will help them find ways to find support and become individuals. When you feel their pent up energy guide them toward something constructive, so they easily find their way toward education, exercise, inspiration, laughter, curiosity and self expression. Allow grandiose excitement at times and moments of silence and pondering, it allows for healthy living. Be kind to your children for they grow far too fast. Sadly we hear our forefathers speak of their children often growing up not to fulfill their expectations and children aren’t in sync with the parent’s ideas or ways of thinking. We must remember not to live in a small realm, children are born of the big world with all the trends of their tomorrow. They ready themselves for their lifestyles and the future. It is not for us to question, but to embrace. If they are in trouble, we gently lead them back to safety. And that goes for children taking care of their parents too…lead them back to safety.

Lovers/Spouses: To be Loved you must be Loving……..Keep at it. We are a part of a big plan, not everything goes smoothly but we must have faith and hope. Love is always the answer.

Journal Questions:

How are you as a lover?

 • Physical level

• Emotional level

• Intellectual level

 • Spiritual level

Are you happy with your parents? Why and Why not?










Are you happy with your children? Why and Why not?










 Explain your emotional needs with this list:

• Parents

• Children

• Lovers

• Spouses

• Friendships

• People

• Places

• Career Choices

Explain your parent’s emotional needs?

• Their Parents

• Children

• Lovers

• Spouses

• Friendships

• People

• Places

• Career Choices

 Explain your children’s needs of time and attention with this list:

• GrandParents

• You

• Lovers

• Spouses

• Friendships

• People

• Places

• Career Choices

What is your parents expectation of you regarding them or your children:

  • Your Parents

• Your Children

• Lovers

• Spouses

• Friendships

• People

• Places

• Career Choices

 Write a few sentences to analyze these questions:

What fears do your parents have for you?

What fears do your children have for you?

What fears do you have for your parents

What fears do you have for your children

What fears do you have for you

Do you live up to your parents expectations

Do you exceed your parents expectations

Were you parents angry with their parents

Were your parents angry with their lives

Why and which one and how?

What solutions were made then?

What solutions are made now?

What solutions do you propose to make with your kids?

Do you take into consideration their futures?

What do you access the future will be like?

Will technology grow?

Will technology fail?

What kind of future are you instilling within your children’s psyche?

Do you believe the world will end?

Or you only worried about how you will make out and not how your children or parents will?

What do you worry about?


What is your greatest fear?

What do you think are your silliest fears?

How can you control the future?

Are you putting that plan into motion?

Are you stalling out?

Are you in frozen mode?

Are you waiting for things to happen to you instead of you making things happen?

Do you have a fun time with your family?

Make a small plan to implement a daily mantra of conscious contentment with the family you’ve chosen.

If your biological family doesn’t match your ideal, you must create a family. With either your own family or family of friends.

Do not allow pride to get in the way of love, do you do this?

Behavior with your family & relatives:

What is the style of communication

Are they aware of your feelings

Are you aware of their feelings

What is the compromise


Memories sit within our hearts and souls, make sure to try and make the best of everyday. Hug those you love…

“Man seeks joy in far off places and peace in quiet spots; but the spring of joy is in his heart. the haven of peace is in himself. Even when he walks on the moon, man has to take with him, his fears, his anxieties, his prejudices and his pet aversions.” ~Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Indian Spiritual leader, b.1926)

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