Full Flower Super Blood Moon
Full Flower Super Blood Moon with Total Eclipse
By Tara Sutphen
The Full Flower Super Moon (Native American) at 5* Sagittarius will culminate May 26, 2021 4:11am PDT/ May 26, 2021 1:11am EDT (Farmers Almanac).
This Full Flower Super Moon with an eclipse and be a Blood Moon as well, as it will turn a brick-red. Eclipses are about change or letting go, it can be to bring something exciting or illuminating into your life. These aspects are letting us know we can set ourselves free from limitations, and broken promises. What you’ve been stomaching is no longer good enough. You really need to align yourself with the true flow of your being. Personal power is yours, if you can just be disciplined; and listen to wisdom and apply it. Sagittarius brings you liberty if you are brave enough to look at practical ways to progress. No confusion or half hearted trying will work, you have to have a game plan and start bee-lining for it. Your mind is a tool, your energy is a force.
This is a powerful time for the mind, deep introspection of your soul goals come into play. You want to experience life as you have dreamt and desired it to be, you can seek self-determination. This isn’t a time of recklessness, only healthy abandon.
Start that diet, Love as you never have before, Sign up for classes, Read those books, Make honest money, no procrastinating…Be you, the real you.
Journal Questions:
What are your limitations
About yourself
Or others
Do not be invisible, how can you stand out
At home
Outside the home
At work
At school
Confinement or Freedom
What is fulfilling to you
Time to advance and express yourself with a good attitude, with persistence life becomes a clear journey.
“To cry was to release all sorts of ugly little pressures and tensions. Like waking out of a long, dark dream to a sun-filled day.”
― Anne McCaffrey,Anne Inez McCaffrey (1 April 1926 – 21 November 2011) was an American-Irish writer known for the Dragonriders of Pern science fiction series. She was the first woman to win a Hugo Award for fiction (Best Novella, "Weyr Search", 1968) and the first to win a Nebula Award (Best Novella, "Dragonrider", 1969)
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