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Full Strawberry Moon

Full Strawberry Moon

By Tara Sutphen

The Full Strawberry Moon (Native American) at 15* Sagittarius will culminate, June 5, 2020 12:12pm pacific |3:12am eastern (Farmers Almanac). The current phase of the moon is a Waxing Gibbous (94.8% illuminated), 12.6 days old and at a distance of 369002 Km (229287 Miles).Km (249331 Miles). This Sagittarius Full Moon is an Annular Lunar Eclipse. When we have an eclipse, it’s time to change or let go of something holding us back. Take time to meditate on what you’d like unblocked or cleaned up in your life as It brings something exciting or illuminating to each of us.

This Sagittarius Moon is creating in-depth thought and understanding. You are wanting to start over on some of your goals or revising what hasn’t worked. There has been some rearrangements on the world scene and you could find yourself scrambling to find your footing again. Humans are on reset: what do we do and how do we go forward. We all have a tool set and competence. Maybe you feel was though you are missing pieces of your success formula, your health regime, deep wisdom, extra knowledge or your love techniques, but whether it’s learning a new skill, getting your health in order or experiencing love, designing your future is in the works.

What has held you back is going to be surpassed with the eclipse, to be sure you’re going take charge again. Release resentment, depression or sorrow of any kind. Remember to close your eyes and disentangle. Not only do you feel lighter but you’ll be able to move faster and flow. You’ll think, you are making up your mind, but it will be deeper than that, it’s your soul goals getting back on track. There are many opportunities presenting themselves in another way, we really can make the best decisions. We’re given many chances to reawaken. When we were born we had an innocence and a readiness to be on the adventure. We are to bring the lost parts of ourselves back into our psyche, we can use common sense to rebalance our inner nature.

Creating a Good Life:

  1. Be Authentic

  2. Love Yourself

  3. Acceptance

  4. Create a beautiful future vision

  5. Have goals

  6. Present moment matters

  7. Daily soul connection

  8. Be accountable

  9. Count your blessings

  10. Clean your mind

  11. Respect yourself

  12. Free the past

  13. M.Face your fears

  14. Learn to give

  15. Learn to receive

  16. Keep upgrading your standards

  17. Keep elevating what you want your life to look like

Journal Questions:

3-5 sentences+ for each question.

-For the eclipse, what are you needing to change or a sentiment or habit to remove from your life -

  • Sentiments

  • Regrets

  • Anger

  • Actual person

  • Job

  • Career change

  • Move

  • House

  • Town

  • Country

  • Money problems

  • Bad habits

  • Health problems

  • Stress

  • Phobias

-How can you rebalance:

People problems

Money problems

Relationship problem

Health problems

Personal issues

Bad habits


Career problems

Past choices



Where are you most ambitious:











inside maintenance

outside maintenance

person maintenance

place maintenance

thing maintenance

Your new viewpoint:

acceptance of yourself

acceptance of others

Spending too much time on others and not yourself

Spending too much time on yourself and not on others

Forward movement toward positive activities

Forward movement toward negative activities

-Time management, how long with each:











-When creating calmness in your life:

Breathing deeply a few times a day

Drinking more water

Taking a walk



Writing in a Journal

Creating a solution

Creating plans

Giving Hugs

Offering Smiles

Saying nice things to people

Waving here or there to people

Enjoying a color

Enjoying nature

Enjoying architecture

Complimenting your kids

Complimenting everyone

-Can you clearly say this is what I do now and I like it or I’d like to see a change:

What are you doing now

What job will you have next year

What job will you have in 5 years

What job will you have in 10 years

Do you stay with a career

Do you change careers often

Do you like jobs

Do you like responsibility

Do you like to be a boss

Are you a good boss

Are you a good employee

What makes you happy

When you were a child what did you want to be when you grew up

What is your career

What is your self confidence

What is your earning potential

What is your verve for life

Are you a winner

Are you sometimes winning

Are you winning yet losing

Are you losing but close to winning

What could make you win

What could make you content

—-Change yourself first. The whole world only can see you with their eyes. Until they hear your voice, they can listen with their ears. When you show your concern or understanding, they can can feel your good intentions. Your reality is one that you create. If you can not find peace, there can be no peace. If you can’t find love, there will not be love. If you can’t find happiness, there won’t be happiness. These are things you find…deep within you. Your heart shines, your mind is ready, your sentiments hold them in check. You are your own whole world. You are perfect in the eyes of God.

The flame within your soul is to be reignited, your verve, your ideas, talents, solutions and decisions are to be seen. Whatever is dormant is now active.

*How to become powerful: You must have role models to emulate, you don’t always have to be liked but you must fulfill what people need. You will have to have a “Strategy and Skill”. You will keep strategizing, knowing how to guide yourselves and others into growth and abundance. Be careful as you can end up working in boring jobs for many years and gain no real power or prestige. You can be wanting recognition. But there is only one thing to remember and again plan for, power has “an end”. You will be usurped by the younger generation or go out of vogue in some way. If you can be fair and aboveboard, you’ll gain respect along with money. You can keep going forward, having a great life, well earned and be treated nicely in old age.

*Using your Intuition: Using your intuition and psychic ability to move forward. Feeling good about the decisions you make. Knowing when wrong feelings happen they can indicate going in a wrong direction.

*When meditating, remember you’re going to go past your mind and it’s set ideas, and proceeding toward the heart, taking it deeper, releasing false sentiments and just float in your divinity, going deeper and deeper to your very essence. Reaching into the core of your being. Shift into knowing you will begin to float in calmness as the eclipse takes away anxiety and confusion, replaced is gifts of knowledge and wisdom, quality of time and being one with your adventure on earth.

—– “Challenge yourself everyday to do better and be better. Remember, growth starts with a decision to move beyond your present circumstances. -Robert Tew


Item : The Sacred Circle

USD $ 10.99

Meditation By Tara Sutphen

Following Tara’s “under the stars” induction, you travel to a sacred stone circle in the middle of a meadow. Here, in the center of the circle, you meet a beautiful woman dressed in chiffon. As she chants, you experience an expanding vortex of power within: “Where light meets darkness ... where the beginning encircles the end ... where joy nullifies pain ... we now choose to slip between the worlds beyond time, beyond space, and we invoke the positive powers of the Universe to assist us to manifest our desires.” Chakra balancing is followed with an inspiration ritual in which you open your heart and mind to the limitless positive potentials of life on earth. You withdraw an object from a box that relates to your purpose. Walking counter clockwise you recall a happy event from the past and transmit the vibrations into the present. A clock becomes a symbol placed in the circle to assist you make the most of your valuable time. Much more. 30 Minutes.

TS216 -- $10.99 (MP3)

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