Full Snow Moon
Full Snow Moon
By Tara Sutphen
The Full Snow Moon (Native American) at 28* Leo will culminate on February 16, 2022 8:57 AM PT / 11:57 AM ET (Farmers Almanac).
This Snow Moon reminds us to blast straight ahead and don’t be looking back. We are to make progress!l You can be power hungry all of a sudden and quite ambitious. You can day dream, but achieving success comes from putting your ideas and body into action. Being Ambitious develops skill and requires some persistence, a strategy is needed and then your willingness to step into productive movement.
If you have some dreams, now is your time to act on them. Decisions come very fast and easy solutions are rectified fairly easily.
Figure out what motivates you, Fear, Love or Duty?
Begin now to give yourself positive affirmations with some good visuals of yourself. Every day I want you to start complimenting yourself in some way. Make it a habit. Remind yourself you are realistic yet creative. I am intelligent and thoughtful. I am smart and get smarter every day. I can solve any problem, there is always a way out. I get stronger emotionally, intellectually and physically every day. I am steady and I actively move toward my cherished goals.
Journal Questions:
Write some sentences on your “ambition”
Do you doubt yourself.
Begin now to give yourself positive affirmations with some good visuals of yourself. A few for example:
I am feeling good about myself when I take care of myself and others
I really like to work and be useful in the world
I see opportunities when I am presented with them
I would like to really be successful and make wonderful money
Money is an energy and I open myself to receive it easily
I am vulnerable and I am ready for wonderful things to happen
I reach for healthy foods and lots of water, I know how to take care of myself.
I am stronger and stronger everyday
Love come easily and naturally, I deserve great love
I don’t need to fight with myself
Only participate in kindness and gentleness
What are you learning to do better?
Make your wishes come true
—— Only you can create your world, so start by positively boosting your self-esteem. This can then stimulate your productive abilities and problem solving skills.
Take a little extra time to be good at everything you do.
—-“If you're waiting until you feel talented enough to make it, you'll never make it.”
― Criss Jami, Healology