Full Buck Moon
The Full Buck Moon (Native American) at 29* Capricorn will culminate, on July 21, 2024, at 3:17 am Pacific/6:17 am Eastern (Farmers Almanac).
This Capricorn Moon is associated with flourishing and finishing tasks and projects. There are rewards for tasks. It indicates people, places, or things entering or returning in your life to help reach enterprises or desired goals. This leads to good fortune.
All of a sudden inner-sight is clearer, preparing for life to be more open and the future to be brighter. Once where there was a lackluster, now; there is a difference. Hard work pays off. Due diligence has shown the way. Beginning again and again leads to a journey of self-awareness and self-care. Your life is really about emerging again to re-cultivate joy.
Key elements of thought to unlock abilities. Rewards come from recognition and appreciation, these values appeal to fundamental human needs. The Future is calling…
Recreate yourself:
Time for Reflection
No more deprecation
Ideal self list
Personal Goals
Skill set
Maybe more schooling
Gradual Change
Meet Likeminded others
Collect a Support network
List Setbacks
List Issues
No more Fears
Make Progress
Learn Flexibility
Seek Inspiration
Be Inspiring
Cultivate Patience
Seek Self-compassion
Give Compassion
Reinventing you
Gain Mental toughness
Strengthen your Body & Mind
Change easily and boldly
Seek Recovery
Journal Questions:
-What holds you back from full satisfaction:
Actual person
Career change
Money problems
Bad habits
Health problems
-How can you rebalance:
People problems
Money problems
Relationship problems
Health problems
Personal issues
Bad habits
Career problems
Past choices
Where are you most ambitious:
inside maintenance
outside maintenance
person maintenance
place maintenance
thing maintenance
-How would you reward:
acceptance of yourself
acceptance of others
Spending too much time on others and not yourself
Spending too much time on yourself and not on others
Forward movement toward positive activities
Forward movement toward negative activities
-Time management, how long with each:
-When creating calmness in your life:
Breathing deeply a few times a day
Drinking more water
Taking a walk
Writing in a Journal
Creating a solution
Creating plans
Giving Hugs
Offering Smiles
Saying nice things to people
Waving here or there to people
Enjoying a color
Enjoying nature
Enjoying architecture
Complimenting your kids
Complimenting everyone
-write down your present and future rewards and/or fulfillment:
What are you doing now
What job will you have next year
What job will you have in 5 years
What job will you have in 10 years
Do you stay with a career
Do you change careers often
Do you like jobs
Do you like responsibility
-Do you feel you are rewarded:
Are you a good boss
Are you a good employee
What makes you happy
When you were a child what did you want to be when you grew up
What is your career
What is your self confidence
What is your earning potential
What is your verve for life
Are you a winner
Are you sometimes winning
Are you winning yet losing
Are you losing but close to winning
What could make you win
What could make you content
—- It is never too late to become who you want to be…
*How to become powerful: You must have role models to emulate, you don’t always have to be liked but you must fulfill what people need. You will have to have a “Strategy and Skill”. You will keep strategizing, knowing how to guide yourselves and others into growth and abundance. Be careful as you can end up working in boring jobs for many years and gain no real power or prestige. You can be wanting recognition. But there is only one thing to remember and again plan for, power has “an end”. You will be usurped by the younger generation or go out of vogue in some way. If you can be fair and aboveboard, you’ll gain respect along with money. You can keep going forward, having a great life, well earned and be treated nicely in old age.
*Using your Intuition: Using your intuition and psychic ability to move forward. Feeling good about the decisions you make. Knowing when wrong feelings happen they can indicate going in a wrong direction.
*When meditating, remember you’re going to go past your mind and it’s set ideas, and proceeding toward the heart, taking it deeper, releasing false sentiments and just float in your divinity, going deeper and deeper to your very essence. Reaching into the core of your being. Shift into knowing you will begin to float in calmness as the eclipse takes away anxiety and confusion, replaced is gifts of knowledge and wisdom, quality of time and being one with your adventure on earth.
—–“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
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