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Rejuvenation & Regeneration

Enlighten, Enliven

This is dedicated to all women and men who struggle with any aspect of low self-esteem or confidence issues. Everyone is a divine human. We have to work at it sometimes but all in all, we are perfect in the "eyes of God".

Seeking health in Body & Mind shouldn't be a hard task. Many people do find themselves in a vicious cycle of low self worth and lack of energy. Love can be painful. Health can be painful. Work can be painful. There is a certain amount of adversity to accompany bliss and fulfillment. How we get to our next stages can be a bit tricky since there is an inner fight with the self. To leave behind anxiousness, we are to generate a peacefulness deep within ourselves. We once again must soothe the mind and make a concerted attempt to remedy our worries. It serves us to allow for Regeneration and Rejuvenation. We can literally look and feel younger the more we reactivate our attitudes and continue to modify our patterns.

In these Offerings are mind enhancing mp3 Meditations to re-direct thoughts and establish healthy patterns. We can find ourselves stuck and the easiest way out is taking the time to "feel" what direction is best. To "feel" what choice is best for you. Isn't it time you started to move toward progressive decisions? It's time to cure fear and soothe or cure inertia, upsets and uplift our spirit. The human condition is to float in a sea of possibilities, we are here to seek answers and to reactivate our lifeforce over and over again.

We hope you enjoy all the natural products and fresh ideas we've found to catalyze your physical rebirth!

Love & Blessings,

Tara Sutphen

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Tarot Revealed: Finding your Purpose
US Sibley - Transits - July 4, 1776
Tara Sutphen

US Sibley - Transits - July 4, 1776

US Sibley Chart Transits - The United States is going through two of the most profound astrological transits: Pluto Return and Chiron Return. Both of those planets involve deep purging of darkness, abuse of power, fear, identity crisis, activation of collective wounding and rebirth. Although reaching a peak in 2022, these energies have been building and will continue to have a ripple effect for decades to come. Astrologers Tara Sutphen and Matthew Engel will discuss the profoundly transformative significance of the astrological transits impacting the US Sibly chart from 2020-2024 and beyond. What do these transits imply for the economy, global alliances, race relations, political turmoil and spiritual growth for everyone alive in the US today? Tara and Matthew address these issues and more. Post Download Quiz: 1. The US is experiencing which Pluto Return in the early 2020’s? a) 2nd b) 16th c) 1st d) 8th 2. Which transit building in 2022-2024 is replicating themes of healing and transformation from the early 1970’s? a) Pluto Return b) Chiron Return c) Saturn Return d) Uranus Opposition 3. Americans have the capacity to harness transformative power when they come together across factions and race as indicated by what influences in the US Sibley chart? a) Uranus in the 6th House b) Aquarius Moon c) Libra ruling the 11th House d) B & C 4. Scarcity mentality around resources and misuse of power through financial institutions is indicated through what influence in the US Sibly chart? a) Jupiter Conjunct Venus b) Mercury, North Node and Part of Fortune in the 8th House c) Chiron in Aries in the 4th House d) Pluto in the 2nd House 5. Collective wounding that leads to a feeling that we must fight for our sense of safety and security is indicated by what influence in the US Sibly chart? a) Chiron in Aries in the 4th House b) Capricorn ruling the 2nd House c) Libra at Midheaven d) Mars in the 7th House *The answers are in the video!