Full Cold Moon
The Full Cold Moon (Native American) at 8* Cancer will culminate, December 29, 2020 7:28pm PsT/ 10:28am EsT (Farmers Almanac). This full...
Letting go of 2020
Denying my face to be seen Breathing with a mask on Eating my survival supplies Not exercising enough Fear of unbelievable news Fear of...
Equine Therapy
Equine therapy has positive benefits when dealing with Confidence Communication Trust perspective Loneliness Social skills Acceptance...
Great Star in the Sky
December 21, 2020. While the world has had a rough year, here comes this amazing bright illuminated phenomena with both the planets -...
To have friends,we practice unconditionally loving others and make nice gestures and effort.To gain wisdom is to act accordingly.To be...
New Moon 23* Sagittarius & Total Eclipse
This Sagittarius New Moon is a time of Rebirthing Ideas and New Projects. Options are available. Do not feel stuck. Be open as you have...
To Be Balanced
We constantly need to come back to center, being brave and in resonance no matter the outside circumstances. Allow for Grace. What makes...