Thinking Magically™ | The Secret of Using Magic (Pt 1)
“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it.”
– J. M. Barrie, Peter Pan
The world is full of magic and those who claim they believe in it. Just ask any 2 year old. Heck, even ask any 3 year old (or adult) who hasn’t had the claimed belief in magic snipped out of them.
So, I’ll ask again: do you believe in magic?
Of course you do.
We all do whether we admit it or not.
As human beings, we all seek hidden meaning in the things that happen to and around us. We look for patterns (consciously and unconsciously). And we love to be in control.
The belief in magic satisfies all those needs.
And think about this for a moment: Brian Scholl – professor in the Department of Psychology at…
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