Happy Full Valentine’s Moon
Full Valentines ♥ Moon
By Tara Sutphen
The Full Valentines ♥ Moon (World Love) at 26* Leo will culminate February 14, 2014 3:53pm PST/6:53pm EST (Farmers Almanac).
This Full Valentines ♥ Moon in Leo is under very potent aspects and wants us to re-awaken our life-force, get that blood pulsing through our veins, get some zip into our zap to present us with a total makeover. We can especially restructure our creativity and romances, stimulating ingenuity by getting underway at having some fun, amusing ourselves, sparking up conversations, giving advice, laughing loudly and being courageous. It’s time to generate selfless deeds. It can be a philanthropic or leisure pursuit. Or we might like to take up painting, writing, learning something new or bringing back an old hobby. If we are not actively seeking a romance, we can begin the change of self-renovation. We want to feel vivacious, and also believe we are needed and wanted. We are being reminded not to tolerate numbness or a shallow sensation of monotony day in and day out. Shake up your life, move into the “amazing sector”.
Relationships undergo scrutiny. We have to begin to know what is right for us and what is wrong. And a lot of times, it’s the people we choose to be around. If you are in a relationship, your feet are standing exactly where they should be. Now what are the inner workings and what may be amiss or accurate in the current scenario. Are you devoted and if not, why not. There is one to 150 reasons why you are with your romantic partner. But it is up to you to make your life work. Are you wanting to sorce to maintain harmony and understanding in an established union or working at calling-in a relationship. Remember to clear your mind and create room in your heart for your chosen partner or an available love upcoming. Staying true to oneself while gently compromising is one of the easiest ways to maintain support. We aren’t always aware of what others need, no matter how close we are to them. Relationships are a balancing act.
Many people pretend instead of just being honest. There are so many sacrifices people make, sometimes they are co-dependent or impatient for the real thing. There are people who say the nicest things and mean them and then there are empty promises, actions speak louder than words. The potential for great love is there for everyone. We may have many chances or very few, events will guide us. Whenever we recognize our heart we will find our way. Being attentive, attractive, vulnerable, intimate, and willing to be hurt will reveal love. Sometimes the hardest part is our unwillingness to fail. But we must try and try again. Romantic bliss is practiced and then made, pheromones and hormones can carry us for awhile, but real romance is an ongoing act of caring and making effort. Sing, dance, perform and play, communicate with those you’re not usually chatty with. Have you forgotten to have fun. Be animated, breathe deeply, be in step and move forward. Being alive is a magnificent gift…what are you waiting for…….the time is now. Waiting for the right time, there is no such thing.
Journal Questions:
Your list of lovers (past or present)
What advice would you give them
Would they apply it
Would they be mad at you
Do they need advice
Do they give you advice
Do you like it when they do
Do you apply it in your life
A list of your mate
What advice would you give them
Would they apply it
Would they be mad at you
Do they need advice
Do they give you advice
Do you like it when they do
Do you apply it in your life
How can you make a more wonderful life
What are the problems
What are the solutions
Your list of ex’s
What advice would you give them
Would they apply it
Would they be mad at you
Do they need advice
Do they give you advice
Do you like it when they do
Do you apply it in your life
Does hindsight give you a clear picture of why they are out of your life
Do you listen to your friends when they complain about your current love or past loves
Explain why
Do you have to defend
Do you listen to your family when they complain about your current love or past loves
Explain why
Do you have to defend
Are you co-dependent
Do you have to defend
Are you overly independent
Do you have to defend
Are you a perfect mate
Do you have to justify
Do you have to defend
Do you have to explain
Are you leading a double life, wanting to live differently than your living
Do you share your life with a significant other
what are their hobbies
are they constructive
are they destructive
Do you include your significant other
In your hobbies
Are they constructive
Are they destructive
Are you living your dream
What is your dream
Are you living your nightmare
What is your nightmare
What kind of mate are you
are you an adrenaline junkie
are you controlling
are you mad all the time
are you sad all the time
are you too happy all the time
are you careless
are you reckless
are you into over sensation
are you into overt behavior
are you into altercations
are you boisterous
are you overly excited
are you meek
are you over eating
are you over stimulated
are you lacking concentration
are you fearful
are you confused
do you talk too much
are you too silent
are you unbalanced
write about why
What kind of person do you choose in a mate or to date (no wrong answer) Learning about yourself.
Adrenaline junkie
Mad all the time
Sad all the time
Happy all the time
Too happy
Overt behavior
Over eating
Over stimulated
Lacking concentration
Talk too much
Too silent
write about why
Explain why you are attracted to these kinds of personalities.
How can you change this
Give yourself ideas
Speak up, be friendly, support groups, hobby groups, meet ups
Actively trying to improve a relationship
How can you change this
Give yourself ideas
Take time for you, learn to say no, Rome wasn’t built in a day
Creating good decisions
Solving problems
Rest, Take care of yourself
Communicate without fear of judgment
Allow yourself to be stress free
Open your mind
Allow someone else to have their opinions
Learn to laugh and have fun
Don’t take things too seriously
Know when to leave a situation
Know when to give someone a hug
Know when to tell someone something nice
Know when to tell someone you love them
Actively seeking a relationship
How can you change this
Give yourself ideas
Take time for you, learn to say no, Rome wasn’t built in a day
Creating good decisions
Solving problems
Rest, Take care of yourself
Communicate without fear of judgment
Allow yourself to be stress free
Open your mind
Allow someone else to have their opinions
Learn to laugh and have fun
Don’t take things too seriously
Know when to leave a situation
Know when to give someone a hug
Know when to tell someone something nice
Know when to tell someone you love them
If you aren’t seeking a relationship and you’re alone.
Explain who you are romantically in your journal.
How are you romantically
If life was perfect what would your mate be like
Who are you creatively
Love. What is it… We can intellectually talk about love, but emotionally and physically we get ourselves mixed up in all sorts of circumstances. Who is to say what is right and what is wrong, other than if you don’t ask you don’t get, and if you don’t try, you don’t get. And if you want to be loved, you have to put out the effort. The world can be a lonely place. And there isn’t too much time, less then we really think there is…we should genuinely appreciate the people we choose to share ourselves with. We are here to find happiness, every situation will not make us happy, but with some care and devotion, we won’t veer off course too badly. And to create an awesome and fruitful life is up to us. No matter if you have a valentine or not — Happy Valentine’s Day – it is your heart that beats, Love is You.
“And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.” ~Kahlil Gibran
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