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Full Worm Moon

Full Worm Moon

By Tara Sutphen

The Worm Moon at 28* Virgo will culminate March 19, 2:10pm pst/ 5:10pm est (almanac) The moon is your personal spotlight in the world, as you are on the earth’s stage. You are seen in the world and this Super Moon is about doing your best, creating optimum health and vitality. Taking the initiative and becoming a robust and purposeful human. Are you moving toward your goals or away from everything you ever dreamt possible. You either rally gaining access to your goals or you give up, let’s not allow surrender be an option. It could be that you are not aware of relinquishing what you do well or finest on the planet. You may not realize you aren’t trying as hard anymore, that health, wellbeing and your zest is waning. You may look in a mirror and not recognize who is staring back at you. When did this happen and why is it happening, look deeper than surface sight.

Have that self talk in the mirror, let’s not go into the outer aspects before tuning into the inner you. The outer you is how you are manifesting in the world, the inner you is quite a beautiful creation, within you houses your soul and the depth of your being. On the inside we work at gaining perspective, truthfulness, activation of the life force, creating love, becoming aware of our individual purpose, gaining inspiration on what we do well, talents and hidden capabilities. The recognition of vitality, who we are and the capacity to find what is foremost for you. If only to create solutions easily, adjusting little things, allowing bigger issues to be fragmented toward gradual results.

No more ignoring yourself or feeling out of sorts, establish strength in all areas of body, mind and spirit . Brave your life, it’s trials and tribulations, acting accordingly to rectify your confidence, learning to live easily in your body and brain. Try improving behavior and attitude, and developing talents and ideas. You may not live in the prettiest area, but start enjoying and thriving in your living space and surroundings. Look for finding purpose in your job, it might only be to bring comfort to your family or to yourself. Establish grace in your social life, seeing the good in others. Do not be someone you are not, and access your needs. Tune in to know what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong, where are you working against yourself. You can certainly see when others are out of whack, questioning their appearance, unhappiness, boisterousness, boundary issues, self absorption, mental issues, self destruction, wasted time, and unused talent. We get self conscious or too busy in the outer world to work on ourselves and sometimes lose our way. Use the gravitational pull to clear your life, allow angst and insecurities to leave your psyche. Come back to you, The Real You…

Journal Questions:

Take a notebook with you into your bathroom or full length mirror – create notes on how you can change your appearance, Try not to be mean to yourself, make observations – don’t be self loathing. Critique, not criticize… Write down all nice things about yourself. What do you feel about your spirit, your capacity for love, your interest in knowledge, your connection with nature. Create some real time with yourself. Do this with your clothes on and off, be vulnerable even to yourself. Meditate for a few minutes on being really alright with who you are. Soothe your soul. Be connected to your mind, spirit, body and the earth…

Write Out:

What is your dream

Having fun again

Simple pleasures


Attitude adjustment

Taking care of yourself

Get in water

Telling the truth

Learning new things

Become a Love magnet

Be reasonable about time

Be your own best friend

Perfect career

Perfect vacation

Perfect home life

Perfect friends

Perfect lover

Perfect family

Perfect surroundings

Perfect environment

Perspective of your life – write 5 sentences each level 

 • Physical level

• Emotional level

• Intellectual level

 • Spiritual level

 What needs to change:

• Parents

• Children

• Lovers

• Spouses

• Friendships

• People

• Places

• Career Choices

Personally do they need to change or is it you:

• Parents

• Children

• Lovers

• Spouses

• Friendships

• People

• Places

• Career Choices

What do you consider well, what are the quirks – write out a quick fix after your observation:

• Parents

• Children

• Lovers

• Spouses

• Friendships

• People

• Places

• Career Choices

 What is your next step concerning _______:

3 – 10 sentences

• Love

• Money

• Wellness

• Happiness

• Playfulness

• Wisdom

• Contentment

Life is an evolving process. It will take us on rides of passion and pleasure to the very depths of despair. At times we consider life sheer madness, and the universe random and thoughtless. That’s when our survival instincts kick in. We strive for hopefulness, mercy and grace. From the deepest parts of ourselve’s we hold on and maneuver the ups and downs, transformation and harmonizing will bring us great wonder and some satisfaction.

“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, not how it compares with other expression. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. No artist is pleased. There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is on a queer, divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others.”

~Martha Graham (American Dancer, Teacher and Choreographer of modern dance, 1894-1991)


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