Full Flower Moon
Full Strawberry Moon
By Tara Sutphen
The Flower Moon is at 26* Scorpio will culminate May 17, 2011 4:08pm pst/ 8:08pm est (almanac). This Full Moon is an opportunity to evaluate how you create resources through your job. Have you been effective as well as productive. Can you bring into position your values with making money, your principles may need to match your ideology. Believing in yourself and attaching importance to your career creates a valuable lifestyle. It’s easy to tolerate a passable job. Majority of people get by with not thinking life is too bad, ending up with living in places they didn’t want to be and in jobs that run them ragged, knowing if they really thought it out, they could come to a conclusion of where is it all going. When you act in self interest logically and sensibly you can move your life into what you want in every aspect. It’s not about packing your bags and immediately moving randomly without plans, it’s time to get those tactics in place and then progress.
How is clarity found – First of all, what is not working, sometimes we can differentiate what is wrong before we recognize what is effective, useful and helpful. There are many signs that give us indications that it’s time for a change or to elevate status and/or education. These signals can be an unpleasant boss or co-worker, money is sparse, heavy workload, no gain, bad behavior (yours or others) and many different grievances. Evaluating all these unacceptable feelings, attitudes, and objectionable actions and being honest with what you need and want. We are often stuck with problems, not feeling like we can break free. Taking a few minutes to breathe, be mindful of not overreacting when making decisions, as one simple and easy solution can be all it takes. We must create balance, “our mind meets our voice meets our actions”. It only takes one step on the road to improvement.
Journal Questions:
How do you create security?
• Physical level
• Emotional level
• Intellectual level
• Spiritual level
What do you consider ____ ?
Are you supported in your money making skills?
• Parents
• Children
• Lovers
• Spouses
• Friendships
• People
• Places
• Career Choices
Who makes money? What is their ‘attainment’ secret? Or can you see where they don’t apply themselves?
• Parents
• Children
• Lovers
• Spouses
• Friendships
• People
• Places
What is your ultimate job and why?
• Career Choices
Write a few sentences to analyze in connection to your career:
What fears has the media, economy and politics created in you?
What is real in your life and what is hoax?
Where are you sidetracking?
Do you worry about issues you can’t control?
Are you taking care of your personal life and relationships?
Are you only sitting in a puddle of worry?
Are you creating change and proactive solutions?
How do you create proactive movement to secure your place in your environment or country?
How do you create Love?
How do you create Peace?
How do you create Harmony?
How do you create workable solutions?
Do you take risks?
When you fight in the home, do you always need to be right?
What is right?
What if you are wrong or being emotional, can you come clean – at least with yourself?
Can you apologize?
Can you clearly create a new fine day?
Can you let all the unneeded upheaval you’ve experienced to live tomorrow successfully?
What blocks you in getting a job or a career launch, maybe you are burned out on what you do?
What is the style of communication
Are they aware of your feelings
Are you aware of their feelings
What is the compromise
How do you win at your career?
What is the style of communication
Are they aware of your feelings
Are you aware of their feelings
What is the compromise
We are not the sum total of our career…Money doesn’t seem to be the answer to all our problems or foibles, but it makes life easier to step into our talents, our accomplishments, and our personal power.
“It is not living that matters, but living rightly.”~Socrates