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  Full Flower Moon

Full Flower Moon

By Tara Sutphen

Full Flower Moon (Native American)at 16* Scorpio will culminate May 5, 8:36 P.M. Pacific/11:36 P.M. Eastern (Almanac).

The Full Flower Moon is about recognizing what blocks you in your health and psyche. Deep within we want to find the answers to unblock our aspirations and motives. What vista can we climb to see our way. We can feel lost in the day to day grind. What is it we really are supposed to do on earth. What is, with having to rethink every move we formulate. Some people seem to effortlessly move into situations, events, groups and success easily. Why does it seem that way. When you question them on their journey, they usually say it’s been hard and they struggle with decisions too. Maybe they make better choices… And why does life throw us off balance as many give up or simply go in circles, performing the same patterns and making similar mistakes. What makes us realize when we’ve had enough and need change. Where is the magic key to flourishing. By what chance have you given yourself to thrive. It’s a notion that something must be unlocked, unblocked, let go to get us to a next stage of learning or reaching. Why can’t we see it. Where’s the flashing red or green light. Why isn’t it always easy.

We know we want to accomplish “something”, but most of the time it’s elusive. Is it supposed to be one objective and five intentions, a sprinkle of purpose and ten brownie points of meaning. Meaning has a strong pull in making sense of life. Intentions are positive, they can help with taking greater control. Objectives can change as it’s a continuous progress of research and decision making. Purpose is a big order and most often what that means is nonfigurative, as purpose is an intention with a lofty order. Many place it with the significance of their life’s goals, though purpose is not self sacrifice. You can be fulfilled and facilitate, making a difference in others lives without forfeiting your life. There are many levels of helping others and our selves. If working on a global level seems farfetched then we are slated to work toward family, friends and/or community. All self help, all matters of importance start in the home. Even when the life is disruptive or maddening with the initial family, this can point to not needing a certain amount of permission needed to accomplish future goals or “purpose”. Politics, Religions, Work Ethic, Career and/or Lifestyle preferences need a certain amount of approval of others or complete disapproval. Disapproval in youth sparks either insolence or audacity. There are days, years, and many lifetimes that we could dissect our thoughts and psyche, the most important things will be on the last day of this life. That our lives meant something, who we loved, who we helped, who we laughed with, who we cried with. The soul knows what the soul wants. The mind knows what the mind wants. The emotions know what the emotions want. The body knows what the body wants. We can figure it out , we can be well and flourish…

Journal Questions:

Between you, and YOU.

Do you harbor disappointments about yourself

Do you harbor disappointments about your parents

We’re you not supported by your parents

How did they support you

What personality traits do you like about your parents

What personality traits do you not like about your parents

What personality traits do you like about your friends

What personality traits do you not like about your friends

What personality traits do you like about your idols

What personality traits do you not like about your idols or random celebrities/newsmakers

What is your life purpose

What are your success goals

What are your wisdom goals

What are your wellness goals

Do you take care of yourself well

Do you take care of others well

Do you jeopardize your health taking care of others

Do you jeopardize your success due to time

Do you jeopardize your love due to others

Do you jeopardize your health in activities that don’t serve you

Do you justify most of your actions

Are you known to react

Do you overreact

  1. Why

Do you sacrifice time

Do you sacrifice energy

Do you sacrifice love

Do you sacrifice by not being who you really are

Do you sacrifice by not loving your job

Do you sacrifice by not satisfying your desires, hopes and dreams

The worst things we can tell ourselves is I don’t care, I can’t do it, and I’m so afraid. Inherently entrenched within is our survival skills and instincts and when we harbor self doubt and feelings of being lost we can get bewildered and disorientated. There is no need to panic, it takes five minutes to reframe and reorganize your thoughts and direction. Yes, five minutes and whether we live five minutes or 150 years, we are to truly live and love. We are to have a plentiful varied life. And when we keep our health in order and our minds stimulated in the positive search for effect and outcomes we are able to cope easier in the everyday realm.

“Rest enough for the individual man, too much and too soon, and we call it death. But for man, no rest and no ending. He must go on, conquest beyond conquest. First this little planet and all its winds and ways, and then all the laws of mind and matter that restrain him. Then the planets about him, and, at last, out across immensities to the stars. And when he has conquered all the deep space, and all the mysteries of time, still he will be beginning.”~ H. G. Wells quotes (English Novelist, Journalist, Sociologist and Historian. Best known for his science fiction books. 1866-1946)

Repost if you want

Standing Before The Moon Ritual

Standing Before

The Moon Ritual Meditation & Sleep Programming

Although you would ideally do this meditation outTrack beneath the full moon, you can also experience it by imagining the moon and four directions as you are surrounded with magical energy … a rainbow of light. In the Goddess’ name, you open to the light. You can actually stand up and raise your palms to the sky or imagine this process of being energized and rejuvenated. Facing North you ask for solutions to your problems and experience many blessings. Facing East you seek solutions and prosperity while trusting yourself to make the right choices. Following many blessings, you turn to the South and ask for increased self-esteem and harmonious relationships with the people in your life. After the blessings, you turn to the West to face your destiny and ultimate potentials. Open your mind and release your courage. The ritual ends with the moon as your guiding light on the shadowed path. It illuminates your dreams as you walk steadfast and proceed on your earthly journey with an open heart. Track 2: A beautiful sleep programming version of the ritual. Listen as your cross over into sleep and explore the four directions into your dreams.

also available in CD


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