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Full Fish Moon


Full Fish Moon

By Tara Sutphen

The Full Fish Moon (Colonial American) at 14* Virgo will culminate March 5, 2015 10:05am PST/ 1:05pm EST (Farmers Almanac).

This Virgo Full Moon aspects the value of your home life and your health. Time to truly take care of yourself and your family. What is important, we all know it is feeling wholesome and good about ourselves and each other. Centering yourself, waking up to spring around the corner, and breathing in the fresh air. You are asked to propel yourself and make effort, creating an invigorating life begins with you. Confusion and lack of self-esteem is not only wounding to one’s spirit, but also to the family and friend dynamic. If you are wallowing in self-pity or fear, the energy to easily move forward is daunted and interrupted. It’s not that anyone really knows where they are going, they’ve just made up their minds as well and set the course to want better results in life. Moving in a direction has everything to do with you. If you want to be more healthy, you have to actually take the initiative. If your family and friends seem displaced or anxious, you might want to give an encouraging hug or remind them that tomorrow is another day. Pointing out their strengths instead of a fault.

Families and friendships are lots of work and require unconditional love. You know there is no quitting, it’s survival and we’re to do it well…we have to go with a certain accepting attitude. Being healthy is both a mindset and a body strength. We have those times where we need to rest and recoup. We have to reach for nutrition and not tasty food. So do it and get an attitude adjustment, getting over that little emotional hump starts to feel unsurmountable. Limitations cease being overwhelming, because simplistic choices become easy. Not allowing the urge to becoming easily irritated, such as with rages “road rage”, “parental rage”, “government rage”, “neighbor rage”, “ex-spouse rage”, “bug rage” Etc… this is really outside influences trying to control you. To waste our time on tangents and subcategories of our true destiny is not what our lives are supposed to be about. Sure there is a certain level of recognition and protection of ones rights and spacial consciousness. There is a certain protocol, the money you earn helps you live, the love you receive helps you feel worthy. The kindness you project truly comes back to you. It’s not to overly squander any benefit or be gulping in desperation. We all know who attributes their fair share to what and why. We give credit where credit is due to others and ourselves. There is always a time when it’s more important for you to concentrate on becoming a more centered and vital human. It’s the adage of coming into your divine being. As you look at the full moon, remember it is your personal spotlight in life. You are seen in all your beauty and glory as a human being. You shine with all your great attributes you have to share with yourself and others. It does not matter if you believe it or not, you are here to love and be loved. You are to resonate and receive. You are to give and gain. Bounty and Blessings are yours by birthright.

Journal Questions:

Paragraph+ for each question.

Are there times that you can’t fathom going on with your life concerning:

  1. People problems

  2. Money problems

  3. Relationship problems

  4. Health problems

  5. Personal issues

  6. Bad habits

  7. Phobias

  8. Career problems

  9. Past choices

  10. Stress

  11. Overwhelmed

Where are you lazy?

  1. relationships

  2. career

  3. job

  4. homelife

  5. friendships

  6. marriage

  7. children

  8. beauty

  9. exercise

  10. eating

  11. inside maintenance

  12. outside maintenance

  13. person maintenance

  14. place maintenance

  15. thing maintenance

What attributes are your lack of self-recognition?

  1. Compassionate acceptance of yourself

  2. Compassionate acceptance of others

  3. Spending too much time on others and not yourself

  4. Spending too much time on yourself and not on others

  5. Forward movement toward positive activities

  6. Forward movement toward negative activities

Give yourself 3 words connected to the following – what pops in your mind: Add a few names at the end of your list.

  1. Family

  2. Friends

  3. Job

  4. Career

  5. Money

  6. Beauty

  7. Health

  8. Harmony

  9. Things

  10. Strangers

Allowing yourself to thrive & be healthy:

  1. Breathing deeply a few times a day

  2. Drinking more water

  3. Taking a walk

  4. Meditating

  5. Praying

  6. Writing in a Journal

  7. Creating a solution

  8. Creating plans

  9. Giving Hugs

  10. Offering Smiles

  11. Saying nice things to people

  12. Waving here or there to people

  13. Enjoying a color

  14. Enjoying nature

  15. Enjoying architecture

  16. Complimenting your kids

  17. Complimenting everyone

—– Buddhism holds that everything is in constant flux. Thus the question is whether we are to accept change passively and be swept away by it or whether we are to take the lead and create positive changes on our own initiative. While conservatism and self-protection might be likened to winter, night and death. The spirit of pioneering and attempting to realize ideals evokes images of spring, morning and birth. ~Daisaku Ikeda (1928- Japanese Peace Activist)

repost if you want Create Your Destiny By Tara Sutphen

Meditation & Sleep Programming

Working in the magnificent Temple of the Mystics, Tara directs you to experience this powerful sorcing (sorcery) meditation. She assists you to open your ears for “true hearing” and your eyes to prophetic sight. Open to true speech and unlock the powers of the Supernatural. Together, you call in the Universal energy — the power to receive blessings and miracles. You will source prosperity with vivid imagery, and scan your contracts for a wonderful life. Then you will put your wishes in your treasure box upon an altar you have decorated with photos and positive symbols of your life. This is followed by a meditation period in which you bring your energy into alignment with your goals. Track 2: Sleep Programming.

TS222 — $10.99 ( 2 MP3 FILES)

March 14-15, 2015

The Mystic Training is learning to sorce.  An occult power class to learn “Sorcery” — how to “sorce” answers and awareness as in the ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools.  You will learn to use the power and energy of the Universe and to be at one with that power.  Tara will help you to unblock your psychic centers and assist you to make contact with your Spirit Guides and Higher-Self, to channel, automatic write, use unique Tarot techniques, and access the path of your true destiny — opening to the deepest and most powerful part of yourself.  We’ll also tap into excellence and merit through the exploration of psychic connection with the other side. Insight leads us out of vagueness.  Not everyone seeks to decipher past blunders or catch a glimpse of the future as it might unfold, but those who do want to search for meaning to their dilemmas and gain confidence to live an important and rewarding life. Opening the five senses leads to deeper-consciousness. 

Learning to manifest the splendor in all things, we want our relationships, love, success, happiness, family, great health, money, knowledge, wisdom to be the best it can be.  Tara will help you unblock your psychic centers and assist you to make contact with your Mystics, Spirit Guides and Higher-Self for guidance. Included: Meditations, Life-Force Activation, Sorcing techniques, class discussions, and clarification. Join Tara and a small group of fellow travelers who will work together to create a magical and mystical weekend filled with deep learning of personal and universal mysteries.Tara Sutphen is a modern Master of the occult sciences, having proved over and over again her ability to communicate with the dead, to obtain psychic answers, and predict coming events. 

Fees & Location

The fee us $495 per person. There is a non-refundable (but transferable) deposit of $75 to ensure your place in the seminar. Seminar hours at 10-5 PM both days. Final registration is 9 to 10 AM on Saturday morning. The seminar will take place at the Sedona Creative Life Center, 333 Schnebly Hill Road, Sedona, AZ 86336. Phone 928-282-9300. 

Website: The center is the ideal New Age gathering place, but it is not a hotel. So stay at any Sedona area hotel you like. They range from reasonable to four star-elegant.

Registration, Payment or Information



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