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Full Beaver Moon


Full Beaver Moon

By Tara Sutphen

The Full Beaver Moon (Native American) at 14* Taurus will culminate November 6, 2014 2:23pm PST/ 5:23pm EST (Farmers Almanac). If you have been thinking of changing your job or changing your direction in a career, the Taurus Moon is about being practical and putting ideas into active motion. We all want a cushy life and we can attain it. All we have to do is focus our mind to create a life direction. Motivate ourself to bring about the life we want to achieve. Many times we may think we are expending energy on creating a goal, but we could be spinning wheels in all sorts of directions. Self-sabotage has a way of creeping up in the best of intentions. How we can curb negative tendencies, starts with changing our attitudes. Breaking bad habits of anger, control issues, drugs/alcohol. Many people have an innate deficit to spoil things or miss the boat when an opportunity appears. No process is black and white, we have to take the necessary steps no matter what venture we are on. Whether its love or career, security does matter or at least some kind of game plan to produce a good life. There are a few good ways to help all of us with getting back on track with our careers or job. One: Care about Others – think beyond only caring about yourself, the world is a better place when you help support your family and friends. Two: Life is an adventure, stop pussy-footing around. Three: Breathe deep, settle your nerves and set your mind into being at your best. Four: Be Genuine Five: Don’t be lazy or hard on yourself. Six: find your direction, take steps forward not backward

Journal Questions:

Paragraph + for each question.

List your skills

List your talents

List your wants

Does your job now use your skills

  1. why not

Does your job allow you to have the things you want

Are you in overwhelm

Are you in underwhelm

Are you practical with overblown fanciful job ideas

Are you practical with the job you have now

Have you settled on your life and your job

Start observing your behavior

  1. Family

  2. Friends

  3. co workers

How do you spend

  1. Time

  2. Energy

  3. People problems

  4. Money problems

  5. Relationship problems

  6. Health problems

  7. Personal issues

  8. Bad habits

  9. Phobias

  10. Career problems

  11. Past choices

  12. Stress

  13. Overwhelmed

What are the solutions to what you do

  1. How do you long for a career

  2. Time

  3. Energy

  4. People problems

  5. Money problems

  6. Relationship problems

  7. Health problems

  8. Personal issues

  9. Bad habits

  10. Phobias

  11. Career problems

  12. Past choices

  13. Stress

  14. Overwhelmed

Are you speaking your truth

  1. Family

  2. Friends

  3. Job

  4. Career

  5. Money

  6. Beauty

  7. Health

  8. Harmony

  9. Things

  10. Strangers

  11. Environment

  12. City

  13. Country

  14. World

—– “Tea, thou soft, sober, sage and venerable liquid; – thou femail tongue-running, smile-smoothng, heart-opening, wink-tippling cordial, to whose glorious insipidity I owe the happiest moment of my life, let me fall prostrate.” – Colley Cibber 1671-1757 – English actor & playwright

repost if you want

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