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Chris Spheeris Seminar

Chris Spheeris – Seminar – November 8-11,2012 Sedona

“Being Present: A State of Grace”

Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday

November 8-11, 2012

Sedona, Arizona


Most people know me through my music, but it’s really more through  fate that I ended up in music.  I enjoy writing, composing, making pottery and photography just as much as i enjoy home remodeling, cooking or gardening – basically, anything in which I feel completely present.

When reflecting over the years on my gifts, my relationships and my abundant blessings, I’ve realized there is a common thread that has allowed me to flourish, to be happy, to be useful, and to have abundant love and gratitude – being present, or what I like to call my “State of Grace”.  I’ve developed a 4-day immersion retreat, in which I will guide you in a fun, safe and supportive environment to move beyond your status quo and to your best- YOUR  “State of Grace”. ”

 Are YOU present? Do you WANT to be? How much energy do you expend in conflict with YOURSELF, with THE WORLD, or with OTHERS? What percentage of your day do you feel FULLY ENGAGED? 

We are in exciting territory in this workshop. We are exploring, experiencing and anchoring the STATE OF PRESENCE as it delivers GRACE. In the course of this 4-day reality intensive, you will have many opportunities to forgive the past and tap into your own Essence- your own creative potential and natural Life Force. We will question, explore and expand infinitely the notion of “who we are”.

This workshop is not for those of you who are attached to your “story”- you know, that massive old book you carry around which contains your past and tries to convince you it’s who you are. It’s for YOU courageous ones who refuse to accept mediocrity and who aren’t afraid to create “amazing” out of each and every day.

I evoke people in a unique way in my workshops. I combine a sharing of insight, creative, physical and emotional exercises, with performances of my original inspirational spoken word meditations and poems- all geared to reinforce our endless expansive identity and state of presence. I have been a creative channel all of my life. I create every day and have not experienced creative blocks in as long as i can remember. I have also, somewhat recently, reached an unprecedented state of “humility, gratitude and amazement” that i had always longed for. This is what i want to share with you!!

I have been blessed with the gift of inspiring people and this is where my passion lies. My deepest intention is to share with YOU and impart to YOU what i have learned, what i have un-learned, and what i have healed in order to reach a place where i love my life, create in joy constantly, feel more open-hearted and abundant than ever and am no longer in conflict with myself. More and more every day i feel the presence of Grace in my life. This is available to all of us. In fact, it is our natural state.

What I ask of each participant is that you are willing to trust- trust me, trust yourself, trust the group, trust the process, and for God’s sake trust the Universe. And i also ask that you are willing to allow- allow the unrehearsed, allow the unexpected, allow your innocence.  If you are willing, you will walk out the door in which you entered forever changed. Guaranteed!

you can  find more on these seminars on facebook at the following link:


Our first day deals with “orientation” in more than one sense. When we first arrive, we will all become acquainted and I will shoot everyone’s portrait. I will then speak, laying out the purpose, intent and method of the workshop. I will talk on topics such as identity, putting the mind in perspective, our true Self, creativity, flow, presence, and many of the themes that will weave in and out of the four-day workshop. We will have an extended lunch break during which I will encourage everyone to go back to their rooms, remove all makeup and jewelry and return for the afternoon wearing a plain black or white T-shirt on top. (The implications of this should be fairly obvious.) The afternoon session will begin with movement–the freeing of the body and the metaphor of the “dance”. The second segment of the afternoon will be on “Music and the Art of Listening”. At the end of each day I will offer concluding remarks and at open the floor to questions and comments from the group.


Each of the next 3 days will begin with 30 minutes of stretch and movement followed by Q&A. This morning I will speak on “writing and thinking out loud”. Topics will include escaping the maze of the mind, writing as expression and healing, watching thoughts, and much more. I will then offer a meditation “I Am Not My Mind” after which we will do writing exercises both indoors and outdoors. In the afternoon, we’ll explore judgment and forgiveness. I will conduct a very powerful meditation on forgiveness followed by healing writing exercises and journaling writing exercises. We will then be treated to a highly inspirational feature film TBA.


This morning we will delve deeper into the notion of identity. After I speak on elements of integrating the personal and impersonal worlds, we will do some rather intense mirror work and self-examination. After lunch, I will offer a talk on “Photography and the Art of Seeing” which explores the notion of “pictures of reality”, how we frame reality and how the “pictures” we create are our “divine reflections” and indications of how we “see” the world. I will also speak about where we give our attention as being a very strong indicator of who we are in any moment. After the lecture, we will all go out together into the wonderlands of Sedona for a leisurely hike and photo shoot.


The essence of this workshop can be distilled into three words: trust, release, and surrender. The essence of being present is to trust the Universe that constantly flows through us, to release judgments and preconceived notions, and surrender to the unlimited life force that constantly flows through us. After I speak on these topics we will put on blindfolds and explore our inner worlds and our abilities to trust and surrender. We will take a long lunch break in which I will ask participants to return in full expression, “dressed for life” and ready to be “seen”. I will take a second set of portraits of everyone I will then review the four days with a concluding lecture (to be created in the course of the workshop) and I will offer a performance of my original spoken word and music. Finally, we will all share our experiences of the four days and I will present materials and reminders of “what we take HOME with us”.

I feel so strongly about this work that i guarantee that  for any reason at the conclusion of the workshop, you are not feeling satisfied with the gains you have acquired, I will return 100% of your tuition to you. SEMINAR PAYMENTS:


Below is a way to pay conveniently using Paypal. You can use your credit card with paypal without a membership.  FOR A $25 DISCOUNT ON YOUR FULL PAYMENT, YOU CAN PAY BY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER. To book, for questions, billing options, or for additional information, please email:

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All activities except for hike will be at Studio Live Sedona. All supplies will be provided except for digital cameras. All activities are handicap-friendly and facilities handicap-equipped. This itinerary is subject to change, but it will only get better. TESTIMONIALS FROM ATTENDEES:

“The best week of my life! This 5-day workshop changed so many of my life patterns. I have taken MANY seminars/workshops but none have gone so deep and added so much to my world!”

“I have been listening to your music and creativity cds every day as I’ve been using all of my free time to create music of my own! As I’ve mentioned before, that workshop set me on a compositional fire that I don’t believe will ever go out.”

“Your love, wisdom, compassion and teaching me/us the ways of inspiration and life as a whole, has strengthened me, as it has the the rest.”

“My heart has been cracked wide open. A life altering five days for me. I feel as if my 5 senses have been reborn and my eyes have been cleaned to see the brilliance even more clearly.”

“An ‘E-Ride’ at Disneyland to say the least. Exhilarating, fun, festive and adventurous. I should have been doing all my life what I learned, absorbed and am digesting from this week.”

“Expansive, insightful, inspirational and more! Beyond -beyond! It felt like a safety net for expression, releasing, being engaged in the moment, and immersed in various art forms- with fun hands-on opportunities! It was real, honest, a caring, warm, and loving space to be involved in and a part of!”

“In my wildest imagination, I could not ever have imagined the profound effect I am still feeling. It isn’t anything I’ve ever felt before. I suddenly feel like my Heart has been cracked WIDE open allowing more Life and LOVE and Beauty in than I’ve ever experienced before.”

“This was pure LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!



That’s me. I have had a wonderful, dream career in the music business for decades. Through this, I have sampled fame, wealth, and success. Far more rewarding than any of these is the inspiration I feel on a daily basis: the wonder and amazement, the joy and amusement, the fun and adventure of being alive. I have been told that i possess a gift of inspiring people with my work and the energy that i carry. It’s a gift available to all of us and the nature of this gift is that it’s contagious and meant to be shared. I now am on fire with a passion for sharing this gift. That’s what these experiences are all about. Since the first 5-day in sedona in May of 2011, i am experiencing significant acceleration in my own creativity, manifestation, peace of mind, confidence, and means of imparting information on all of this.

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