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Full Cold Moon

Full Cold Moon

By Tara Sutphen

The Full Cold Moon (Native American) at 19* Gemini will culminate, December 11, 2019 9:12pm PDT/December 12, 2019 12:12am EDT (Farmers Almanac).

This Full Moon indicates to find vibrancy again in your life. Open your eyes and take in all the good. As a human we have to readjust and allow ourselves to be shining brightly. No need to be in deep judgment. Formalize a youthful spirit by being spontaneous, breathing some fresh air, putting your smile on, adding style in your step and increase a heaping dose of friendliness. Taking life thoughtfully includes balancing our outlook and inner satiation. Looking at the redeeming qualities of everything instead of holding disdain. We all know we can get stuck going round and round about a problem or becoming broken hearted when someone has unsettled us.

Being vulnerable is understandable but we have to learn to let go of these experiences as fast as possible. We have things to do and a life to live, and the bottom line is paying attention and gaining a perspective to our future. We do this by working in an acceptable way, noticing our family and friends and treating them with care, sentimentality and fascination, and being accountable to our actions. We want to hold on to a certain way of life, and sometimes that doesn’t seem possible. Change is inevitable. Even with a lot of communication sometimes, there can be feelings not met and people tend not to articulate well or leave unexpectedly. Everyone identifies with rejection, personal mistakes, awkward and bad choices, while these situations are our toughest moments, we can recover and proceed. We are never to fall into despair. If we need support, there are people in positions to help. No one ever said life was easy, but it’s worth it. We can re-learn to enjoy ourselves with other humans. Really click in to appreciate yourself first and foremost. Stop setting yourself aside.

We don’t have to over-socialize or party every hour of our free time or during the holidays. We aren’t supposed to turn ourselves on to one group and not another; we are to be radiating with life-force, instilling some pizzazz, being consistent in our feelings, and being a little more curious about the people surrounding us in any situation. Everyone needs a pick me up, and we need to be present and interested. Most likely we can put away our phones and really listen to others, make eye contact and ask questions. We all know some people need to talk a lot and your objective may be to tune in, but give yourself some center stage time as well.

There are many different ways to start a conversation, one way is to discover common interests. When engaging, make effort to hear their stories or observations. It’s never a waste of time to make someone else’s day enjoyable. If someone wants to help fix your problems, always be open to good advice and solutions and don’t be afraid to reciprocate and offer your good recommendations.

Here’s some tips on how to be more inviting and relevant:

  1. You are confident yet friendly

  2. Matching a similar social tone

  3. You observe yourself, but you’re not self conscious only respectful

  4. Be polite

  5. In an unflattering situation allow it to lead to laughter or understanding

  6. Don’t put down others or fight

  7. Share tips and remedies of any skill

  8. Look others in the eye to acknowledge them

  9. Don’t talk at people, converse with them

  10. give & take speaking

  11. Passing the *waiter test

  12. It’s not a contest to see who is smarter

  13. Say meaningful words

  14. Drop the defensive shield

  15. Be Polite

  16. Listening

  17. Not judging

  18. Be helpful

  19. Trust where you’re supposed to be

  20. Enjoy the people you are surrounding yourself

  21. Sincerity

  22. Sharing

*waiter test - ones true character is revealed when being served by others

Everyone knows what’s wrong to do…bad habits, addictions, procrastination or rebelliousness. Bad tempers or isolation, release misfortune and start by being resourceful, capable and enterprising. Learning to listen again. Drinking plenty of water, and meditate. Resonating with the earth and expecting the very best instead of the very worst.

Journal Questions:

Write down something favorite about each topic :

  • yourself

  • others

  • Family

  • Friends

  • Work arena

  • Neighborhood

  • City

  • State

  • Country

  • World

Are you seen as Contructive or Destructive?

  • House

  • Love

  • Family

  • Parents

  • Mate

  • Children

Where are you charismatic:

  • Love

  • Career

  • Job

  • Health

  • Relationships

  • Friendships

  • Happiness

  • Exercise

How can you be more connected in your personal life or work life: List 3 things if not 3 sentences

  • Love

  • Career

  • Job

  • Health

  • Relationships

  • Friendships

  • Happiness

  • Exercise

Your Aspirations:

  • Spiritually

  • Emotionally

  • Intellectually

  • Materially

  • Physically

What Inspires you:

(5 sentences or more)

Who Inspires you:

(5 people and why)

Are you needing to change a few things about yourself

Write down how you’d like to change.

———-Shine in the world. Don’t feel alone or lonely, there are millions of people who feel separate or desolate. We all deserve great things in life. Don’t feel overwhelmed by too many people or problems, know there is a solution about everything. We don’t always know how to solve those problems, but help is around the corner, inner-strength can be renewed, hardships are overcome everyday.

The first step is your mind is in synch with your conversations that match your actions. When you succeed to align this, you will notice your life works in miraculous ways. You must trust the process, no matter if your life is moving as slow as a turtle or as fast as a hare. It’s our present moment that counts and how you conduct yourself each and every moment. It’s important, Make an effort to encourage and inspire others. Encouragement is useful. Reassuring another person of the effort they make, not only makes them feel validated but it also makes you feel satisfied.

—— "I have yet to find the man, however exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism."

--Charles Schwab

Repost :)

*Christmas card and gift certificate ad

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