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Happy Fall Equinox


By Tara Sutphen 

Autumn Equinox, 2nd Harvest, September 20/21/22 September 22, 2017 (Almanac) Mabon, (pronounced MAY-bun, MAY-bone, MAH-boon, or MAH-bawn) is the Autumn Equinox. The Autumn Equinox divides the day and night equally, and we all take a moment to pay our respects to the impending dark. We also give thanks to the waning sunlight, as we store our harvest of this year’s crops. The Druids call this celebration, Mea’n Fo’mhair, and honor the The Green Man, the God of the Forest, by offering libations to trees. Offerings of ciders, wines, herbs and fertilizer are appropriate at this time. Wiccans celebrate the aging Goddess as she passes from Mother to Crone, and her consort the God as he prepares for death and re-birth. Various other names for this Lesser Wiccan Sabbat are The Second Harvest Festival, Wine Harvest, Feast of Avalon, Equinozio di Autunno (Strega), Alben Elfed (Caledonii), or Cornucopia. The Teutonic name, Winter Finding, spans a period of time from the Sabbat to Oct. 15th, Winter’s Night, which is the Norse New Year.

At this festival it is appropriate to wear all of your finery and dine and celebrate in a lavish setting. It is the drawing to and of family as we prepare for the winding down of the year at Samhain. It is a time to finish old business as we ready for a period of rest, relaxation, and reflection.

Symbolism of Mabon: – Second Harvest, the Mysteries, Equality and Balance. Symbols of Mabon: – Wine, gourds, pine cones, acorns, grains, corn, apples, pomegranates, vines such as ivy, dried seeds, and horns of plenty. Herbs of Maybon: – Acorn, benzoin, ferns, grains, honeysuckle, marigold, milkweed, myrrh, passionflower, rose, sage, solomon’s seal, tobacco, thistle, and vegetables. Foods of Mabon: – Breads, nuts, apples, pomegranates, and vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, and onions.

Incense of Mabon: – Autumn Blend-benzoin, myrrh, and sage. Colors of Mabon: – Red, orange, russet, maroon, brown, and gold. Stones of Mabon: – Sapphire, lapis lazuli, and yellow agates. Activities of Mabon: – Making wine, gathering dried herbs, plants, seeds and seed pods, walking in the woods, scattering offerings in harvested fields, offering libations to trees, adorning burial sites with leaves, acorns, and pine cones to honor those who have passed over.

Spellworkings of Mabon: – Protection, prosperity, security, and self-confidence. Also those of harmony and balance. Deities of Mabon: – Goddesses-Modron, Morgan, Epona, Persephone, Pamona and the Muses. Gods-Mabon, Thoth, Thor, Hermes, and The Green Man.

Mabon is considered a time of the Mysteries. It is a time to honor Aging Deities and the Spirit World. Considered a time of balance, it is when we stop and relax and enjoy the fruits of our personal harvests, whether they be from toiling in our gardens, working at our jobs, raising our families, or just coping with the hussle-bussle of everyday life. May your Mabon be memorable, and your hearts and spirits be filled to overflowing! 

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Tarot Revealed: Finding your Purpose
US Sibley - Transits - July 4, 1776
Tara Sutphen

US Sibley - Transits - July 4, 1776

US Sibley Chart Transits - The United States is going through two of the most profound astrological transits: Pluto Return and Chiron Return. Both of those planets involve deep purging of darkness, abuse of power, fear, identity crisis, activation of collective wounding and rebirth. Although reaching a peak in 2022, these energies have been building and will continue to have a ripple effect for decades to come. Astrologers Tara Sutphen and Matthew Engel will discuss the profoundly transformative significance of the astrological transits impacting the US Sibly chart from 2020-2024 and beyond. What do these transits imply for the economy, global alliances, race relations, political turmoil and spiritual growth for everyone alive in the US today? Tara and Matthew address these issues and more. Post Download Quiz: 1. The US is experiencing which Pluto Return in the early 2020’s? a) 2nd b) 16th c) 1st d) 8th 2. Which transit building in 2022-2024 is replicating themes of healing and transformation from the early 1970’s? a) Pluto Return b) Chiron Return c) Saturn Return d) Uranus Opposition 3. Americans have the capacity to harness transformative power when they come together across factions and race as indicated by what influences in the US Sibley chart? a) Uranus in the 6th House b) Aquarius Moon c) Libra ruling the 11th House d) B & C 4. Scarcity mentality around resources and misuse of power through financial institutions is indicated through what influence in the US Sibly chart? a) Jupiter Conjunct Venus b) Mercury, North Node and Part of Fortune in the 8th House c) Chiron in Aries in the 4th House d) Pluto in the 2nd House 5. Collective wounding that leads to a feeling that we must fight for our sense of safety and security is indicated by what influence in the US Sibly chart? a) Chiron in Aries in the 4th House b) Capricorn ruling the 2nd House c) Libra at Midheaven d) Mars in the 7th House *The answers are in the video!